Sound development

Please find developmental tracks above, including the final audio piece before edited into the final one, which matches the video as well as being a bit longer with an add-on at the end.

Due to unexpected video length issues, the final cut of the audio has developed.Please find that below:

I found it really hard to translate(that word again) ideas and visuals to sound, I tried doing sketches to do that but it wasn’t exactly helpful. I had in mind to record Victoria’s idea of sounds and hard pronunciations, but due to time we did not, so when looking for animalistic/alien sounds, I had to look within the audiophile archives and played around with cleaning the original tracks.  Editing them on their own as well as trying effects was interesting, but the best bit is when you lay them in the editing workspace and quite literally bend, morph and cut and paste into place. I felt a bit like Dr. Frankenstein during the process. I’m lucky to count with a musician/sound producer at home, as one of my flatmates has a band. He helped me clean out the tracks due to the lovely police sirens omnipresent in E&C

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